Developing Innovative Tech to Enhance Research & Practice: A Computational Behavior Science Approach

Developing Innovative Technology to Enhance Research and Practice in Individuals on the Autism Spectrum: A Computational Behavioral Science Approach

This presentation will demonstrate several innovative technologies being developed to enhance and accelerate research and learning in individuals on the autism spectrum, including wireless sensors for long-term monitoring of physiological arousal in natural settings; wireless 3-axis accelerometers and pattern recognition algorithms that can automate the detection of stereotypical hand flapping and body rocking; and unobtrusive audio and video capture systems able to gather ultradense longitudinal records of behavior and development in home environments. Some of the real-world impacts we see/seek to enable include:

Understanding the functional significance of repetitive motor movements, including homeostatic regulation;

Using wearable biosignals to predict emotional dysregulation so caregivers can preemptively support;

Enable caregivers to quantitatively document behavior and physiology at baseline and in response to intervention in naturalistic settings (clinic, school, home).

Learning Objectives:

1. Develop awareness of wearable autonomic nervous system sensing technology to assess physiological indicators of stress and arousal in individuals with ASD.

2. Develop awareness of wearable physical activity sensing technology to assess stereotypical motor movements in individuals with ASD.

3. Develop awareness of audio and video capture devices to assess longitudinal behavior and its development in individuals with ASD.