We define agency as the balance between control and autonomy and quantify it using information theory and stochastic analyses on Micro-Movement-Spikes TM fluctuations embedded in the biorhythms of our nervous systems.
Human autonomy is a basic right that we are born with and that enables us to have healthy lives, based on healthy decision-making, while having access to proper information. Deliberately hiding or distorting information from us, makes our decisions are suboptimal. Our biometrics then facilitate detection of deception and of unlawful activities. Likewise, abuse of power to exert control over a person can be easily spotted using our biometric profiling, as we have ways to quantify intent, deliberateness in actions and volitional control vs. spontaneous activities.
Our lab can provide consultation on all aspects of agency, ranging from basic building blocks of the sensory-motor systems to complex interactions in social environments.
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